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Following God through Mark

Theological Tension in the Second Gospel


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ISBN-13: 9780664230951
Number of Pages: 160
Published: 04/09/2007
Product description
Ira Brent Driggers examines the character of God as portrayed in the Gospel of Mark, paying particular attention to the way God factors into the unfolding conflict between Jesus and his disciples. Arguing that Mark depicts God as acting in two logically opposite ways, both independently of Jesus (as a distinct character) and through Jesus (possessing him from his baptism), he adds a level of complexity to Mark's portrayal of Jesus and sheds new light on the most enigmatic feature of Mark's narrative: the consistent and troubling misunderstanding of the disciples.
Author Information

Ira Brent Driggers

Ira Brent Driggers is Assistant Professor of Religion at Pfeiffer University in Misenheimer, North Carolina.

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