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What Do Our Neighbors Believe?

Questions and Answers on Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

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ISBN-13: 9780664230654
Number of Pages: 168
Published: 18/12/2006
Product description
What Do Our Neighbors Believe? offers a concise and accessible introduction to the three Abrahamic faiths. Presented in a question-and-answer format, this book explains the historical and theological foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, including detailed discussions of beliefs, practices, key leaders, and much more.
Author Information

Howard Greenstein, Kendra G. Hotz, John Kaltner

Howard Greenstein served as Rabbi of the Jewish congregation of Marco Island in Florida until his death in 2006. He had previously served congregations in Florida, Ohio, and Massachusetts. Greenstein also served as a Lecturer at the University of Florida, University of North Florida, and Jacksonville University. He was the author of Judaism: An Eternal Covenant and Turning Point: Zionism and Re-form Judaism. Kendra G. Hotzis Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee. She is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). John Kaltner is Virginia Ballou McGehee Professor of Muslim-Christian Relations at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee. He is the author of several books, including Islam: What Non-Muslims Should Know and The Old Testament: Its Background, Growth, and Content.

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