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John, the Maverick Gospel, Third Edition


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ISBN-13: 9780664230562
Number of Pages: 200
Published: 04/06/2007
Product description
John, the Maverick Gospel has long been regarded as one of the most trustworthy introductions to the Fourth Gospel, paying special attention to the literary and theological dimensions of this Gospel without neglecting historical and other approaches. Robert Kysar, an international expert on John's Gospel, has now revised this useful classroom tool to bring the scholarly discussions up to date and to add sections on women in the Gospel of John as well as postmodern appraoches to the Gospel. This classic text provides an accessible entry into the important critical issues of John's Gospel, both on its own terms and in comparison to the Synoptic Gospels, offering a sure foundation for scholarly study of the book as well as theological interpretation and preaching.
Author Information

Robert Kysar

Robert Kysar is Bandy Professor Emeritus of Preaching and NewTestament at Candler School of Theology, Emory University, in Atlanta, Georgia.

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