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Gospel according to Oprah


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ISBN-13: 9780664229429
Number of Pages: 128
Published: 29/09/2005
Product description
In this book, religion reporter Marcia Nelson explores the spiritual dimensions that are prevalent in all aspects of the Oprah Winfrey media empire. Though Oprah is rarely explicitly religious on her television show or in her magazine, Nelson points out that there are several major Christian themes that weave through these aspects of her life and work: confession, redemption, healing, mission, forgiveness, and salvation. Nelson concludes that Oprah is a "compelling spiritual teacher in a spiritually eclectic and ever-practical America." This book will appeal both to Oprah fans and people who are fascinated by the intersection of religion and popular culture.
Author Information

Marcia Z. Nelson

Marcia Z. Nelson is a religion writer for Publishers Weekly. Her writing has also appeared in The Christian Century, The Utne Reader, and the Chicago Tribune. She is the Midwest correspondent for ReligionLink and a member of the Religion Newswriters Association. She is the author of Come and Sit and The God of Second Chances.

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