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Wisdom Literature

A Theological History


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ISBN-13: 9780664229191
Number of Pages: 432
Published: 12/07/2007
Product description
The Old Testament's wisdom literature offers one of the most intriguing collections of biblical books (Proverbs, Job, the Psalms about Torah and wisdom, Ecclesiastes, Qoheleth, Ben Sira, and the Wisdom of Solomon). In this magisterial textbook, preeminent wisdom scholar Leo G. Perdue sets each book of wisdom in its historical context, examining the conditions that produced the book and shaped its thinking. This allows him to show how wisdom thought changed over time in response to shifting historical and social conditions. In addition to analyzing the historical setting of wisdom, Perdue discerns the theological themes and theological developments within this rich literature.
Author Information

Leo G. Perdue

Leo G. Perdue is Professor of Hebrew Bible at Brite Divinity School in Fort Worth, Texas. He is aninternational authority on wisdom literature and the author of numerous books.

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