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Gospel according to Science Fiction

From the Twilight Zone to the Final Frontier


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ISBN-13: 9780664229016
Number of Pages: 312
Published: 02/01/2007
Product description
In this thorough and engaging book, Gabriel McKee explores the inherent theological nature of science fiction, using illustrations from television shows, literature, and films. Science fiction, he believes, helps us understand not only who we are but who we will become. McKee organizes his chapters around theological themes, using illustrations from authors such as Isaac Asimov and H. G. Wells, television shows such as Star Trek and The Twilight Zone, and films such as The Matrix and Star Wars. With its extensive bibliography and index, this is a book that all serious science fiction fans--not just those with a theological interest--will appreciate.
Author Information

Gabriel McKee

Gabriel McKee earned his Master of Theological Studies from Harvard Divinity School. He is the author of Pink Beams of Light From the God in the Gutter: The Science-Fictional Religion of Philip K. Dick, as well as articles on religion in popular culture for the Revealer and Nerve.

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