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Passion for the Possible, Second Edition

A Message to U.S. Churches


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ISBN-13: 9780664228569
Number of Pages: 112
Published: 01/01/2004
Product description
A Passion for the Possible presents a vision for the future that challenges assumptions and deepens our understanding of the importance of social change. William Sloane Coffin deals with social issues that continue to face U.S. churches--war, the environment, racism, homophobia, abortion, and sexism. This second edition adds Coffin's powerful sermon preached after September 11, 2001 and a foreward by Martin Marty.
Author Information

William Sloane Coffin

William Sloane Coffin served as chaplain of Yale University and Williams College, was senior minister of Riverside Church, and is President Emeritus of SANE/FREEZE: Campaign for Global Security. He became famous while at Yale in the 1960s for his opposition to the Vietnam War. He was jailed as a civil rights Freedom Rider, indicted by the U.S. government in the Benjamin Spock conspiracy trial, and has been immortalized as Rev. Sloan in the Doonesbury comic strip. Both Union Theological Seminary in New York and Yale University have established scholarships in his honor.Included in his works are Credo and A Passion for the Possible, both available from WJK.

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