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Trinitarian Ethics of Jonathan Edwards

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ISBN-13: 9780664227371
Number of Pages: 280
Published: 01/04/2004
Product description
Examining the theological ethics of Jonathan Edwards, William Danaher Jr. shows that Edwards's doctrine of the Trinity both was foundational to Edwards's thought and is the necessary framework for understanding the theological and moral vision expressed in his writings. This Trinitarian interpretation identifies what distinctive contribution Edwards makes to contemporary Christian ethics, particularly concerning the nature of virtue, the will, sin, evil, and love. The Columbia Series in Reformed Theology represents a joint commitment by Columbia Theological Seminary and Westminster John Knox Press to provide theological resources from the Reformed tradition for the church today. This series examines theological and ethical issues that confront church and society in our own particular time and place.
Author Information

William J. Danaher Jr.

William J. Danaher Jr. has taught courses in theology and Christian ethics at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee and at General Theological Seminary in New York City.

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