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Just Wives?

Stories of Power and Survival in the Old Testament and Today

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ISBN-13: 9780664226602
Number of Pages: 136
Published: 30/07/2003
Product description
Giving astute attention to social worlds of women of both ancient and modern times, Katharine Sakenfeld explores the stories of eleven women in the Old Testament. In clear and engaging fashion, she reveals the complexity of these women's lives, drawing out the issues they faced and relating their struggles to those women around the world face today. By encouraging women from across the world, in various cultures, to bring their own experiences to the biblical texts, and sharing the interpretation of some who already have, Sakenfeld allows her readers to see new possibilities for meaning in the Scriptures. Issues discussed include violence, sexual allure, personal betrayal, marginalization, power, and economic survival. Includes study questions for group discussion.
Author Information

Katharine Doob Sakenfeld

Katharine Doob Sakenfeld is William Albright Eisenberger Professor of Old Testament Literature and Exegesis and Director of Doctoral Studies at Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, New Jersey. She is the author of Just Wives? Stories of Power and Survival in the Old Testament and Today and Ruth in the esteemed Interpretation commentary series, both published by WJK.

Product Reviews

"In a powerful combination of careful biblical scholarship and cultural sensitivity, Katharine Sakenfeld lets the stories of women in the Old Testament raise issues of justice, mercy, and faith that speak to our lives today."

Customer Reviews