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Reader's Companion to Augustine's Confessions

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ISBN-13: 9780664226190
Number of Pages: 288
Published: 31/07/2003
Product description
This book is a tool for teaching and studying the great Christian classic, Augustine's Confessions. It is a unique venture in which thirteen different scholars look at each of the thirteen books in the Confessions and interpret their chapters in light of that book and in light of the rest of Augustine's work. The result is that the richness and ambiguity of Augustine's work shines through as well as the richness and ambiguity of different readings of the Confessions.
Author Information

Kim Paffenroth, Robert P. Kennedy

Kim Paffenroth is Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Iona College in New Rochelle, New York. He is the author of The Story of Jesus according to L and the coeditor of Augustine and Liberal Education. Robert P. Kennedy is Associate Professor in Catholic Studies and Religious Studies and Chair of the Department of Religious Studies at St. Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Product Reviews

"This is an imaginative approach to the Confessions in which we experience a variety of 'readings' of the Confessions with each writer asking how this particular book might be considered the 'climax' or 'center' or 'key' to the entire work. We are led through careful analyses of Augustine's style, we hear echoes from one book in another, and we gain several suggestions about the structure of the work as a whole.

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