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Reformed Confessions

Theology from Zurich to Barmen


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ISBN-13: 9780664226145
Number of Pages: 336
Published: 21/04/1998
Product description

In this volume, the internationally respected theologian Jan Rohls chronicles the dynamic tradition of Reformed confessions of faith from the sixteenth century through the first third of the twentieth century. He discusses theological themes and positions that have informed both the tradition in its entirety and also particular confessions, concluding with the Theological Declaration of Barmen in 1934. An introduction by Jack L. Stotts discusses Reformed confessions since Barmen.The Columbia Series in Reformed Theology represents a joint commitment by Columbia Theological Seminary and Westminster John Knox Press to provide theological resources from the Reformed tradition for the church today. This series examines theological and ethical issues that confront church and society in our own particular time and place.

Author Information

Jan Rohls

Jan Rohls teaches systematic theology at the University of Munich in Germany.

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