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Unfettered Hope

A Call to Faithful Living in an Affluent Society


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ISBN-13: 9780664225957
Number of Pages: 216
Published: 31/03/2003
Product description
In this prophetic call to faithful Christian living, Marva Dawn identifies the epidemic socio-cultural attitudes that destroy hope in our modern lives. Because affluent persons don't know what to value--how to choose what's important and weed out the rest--we remain dissatisfied with what we have and are compelled to want more. Dawn demonstrates, however, how Christians can organize their lives to live in ways that allow them to love God and neighbor and, in the process, alleviate the despair in their lives and in the lives of others in the world.
Author Information

Marva J. Dawn

Marva J. Dawn is Teaching Fellow in Spiritual Theology at Regent College in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. An internationally renowned theologian, author, and educator with Christians Equipped for Ministry, she has preached and taught at seminaries, clergy conferences, churches, assemblies, and universities all over the world.

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