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Paul--A Jew on the Margins


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ISBN-13: 9780664225209
Number of Pages: 128
Published: 03/11/2003
Product description
Paul's messianism put him at the margins of Pharisaism, his preaching placed him in tension with the Synagogue, and his Gospel set him on the outer border of Hellenistic religion. This book explores the tensions and creativity that Paul's marginality let loose. In six short chapters, Roetzel explains Paul's complex relationship to first century Judaism and elements of the early church. In so doing, he tackles a great many of the most disputed areas of Pauline theology: How can we speak of Paul as a convert? How far did Paul accept the apocalyptic myth? What are we to make of Paul's theology of weakness? How far did Paul embrace pluralism? And how could Paul preach that Gentiles shared in God's election without excluding Jews?
Author Information

Calvin J. Roetzel

Calvin J. Roetzel is Sundet Professor of New Testament Studies at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities in Minneapolis. He also serves on the Council of the Society of Biblical Literature.

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