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New Testament Ethics

The Legacies of Jesus and Paul


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ISBN-13: 9780664225155
Number of Pages: 336
Published: 01/08/1996
Product description
Neither Jesus nor Paul developed a formal ethical system, yet each left a moral legacy that forms the core of New Testament ethics. In this book, Frank Matera examines the ethic found in the teachings of Jesus and Paul. He explores the broad range of moral concerns found in these writings and finds an identifiable unity that underlies the ethical teachings of both.
Author Information

Frank J. Matera

Frank J, Matera is the Andrews-Kelly-Ryan Professor of NewTestament at the Catholic Universityof America in Washington, D.C. He is a past president of the Catholic BiblicalAssociation of America. He is the author of ten books, includingNew Testament Ethics, New TestamentChristology, and II Corinthians in the New TestamentLibrary series, all published by WJK.

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