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Seeing Things John's Way

The Rhetoric of the Book of Revelation


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ISBN-13: 9780664224493
Number of Pages: 408
Published: 29/06/2009
Product description
The emotionally evocative power of the book of Revelation has been often noted and experienced by interpreters, but until now it has never been systematically explored. The strange visions of the book of Revelation provide some of the most difficult passages of the New Testament, yet Christians have long been fascinated by its power and provocative pronouncements. David deSilva analyzes how the book argues and persuades us to see the world through the eyes of John, and suggests that the study of ancient rhetoric is particularly valuable in understanding the book of Revelation. deSilva interprets the book of Revelation as a rhetorical and communicative strategy to persuade a particular audience for specific goals. Throughout this analysis, he pursues John's construction of his own authority, John's use of emotion and logic, and his attempt to shape the formation of the reader. Despite the complexities of Revelation, deSilva has produced a remarkably clear text sure to cause readers to rethink their view of Revelation.
Author Information

David A. deSilva

David A. deSilva is Trustees' Distinguished Professor and Professor of New Testament and Greek at Ashland Theological Seminary in Ashland, Ohio. He is the author of several books on the New Testament.

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