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Many Things in Parables

Jesus and His Modern Critics


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ISBN-13: 9780664224271
Number of Pages: 160
Published: 21/06/2004
Product description
In this splendid introduction to the elusive rhetorical device central to the New Testament picture of Jesus, Charles Hedrick explores the nature of the parable and its history of use. He asks basic questions such as, what is a parable? is Jesus really the author of the parables? and what does a parable mean? and then reviews a range of sources--from Aesop's fables to modern New Testament scholarship--to answer them. He also surveys the various ways the parables have been approached in literary criticism throughout history, giving specific examples of each method and delineating their strengths and weaknesses.
Author Information

Charles W. Hedrick

Charles W. Hedrick is Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies at Southwest Missouri State University in Springfield.

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