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Introduction to the New Testament

Witnesses to God's New Work


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ISBN-13: 9780664224134
Number of Pages: 232
Published: 19/09/2006
Product description
Written by prominent professor and skilled interpreter Charles Cousar, An Introduction to the New Testament provides a concise overview of the content and purpose of the books of the New Testament within the context of the church's early development. This cogent introduction gives serious attention to the history of earliest Christianity but always returns to the texts' theological meaning and significance, highlighting the relevance of these books for the church today.
Author Information

Charles B. Cousar

Charles B. Cousar is Professor Emeritus of New Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia. He is the author of numerous books, including Galatians in the Interpretation commentary series. He is also coauthor of the three volumes of Texts for Preaching.

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