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Paul Beyond the Judaism-Hellenism Divide

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ISBN-13: 9780664224066
Number of Pages: 355
Published: 01/10/2001
Product description
This volume does away with the traditional strategy of playing "Judaism" and "Hellenism" against each other as a context to understand Paul. This aim is reached in two ways: (1) in essays that display the ideological underpinnings of a "Jewish" and "Hellenistic" Paul in historical and modern scholarly interpretations of him, and (2) in essays that use case studies from the Corinthian correspondence that draw freely on "Jewish" and "Greco-Roman" contextual material to illuminate this Pauline phenomena.
Author Information

Troels Engberg-Pedersen

Troels Engberg-Pedersen is Professor of New Testament at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. He is the author of Paul and the Stoics, winner of a 2001 Biblical Archaeology Society Publication Award.

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