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Preaching Mark in Two Voices

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ISBN-13: 9780664223939
Number of Pages: 273
Published: 31/03/2003
Product description
Brian Blount and Gary Charles team up to introduce us anew to Mark's Gospel. Reinterpreting Mark through sermons preached out of very different socio-cultural contexts, Blount draws parallels between Mark's message and the African American church's heritage of slavery and oppression while Charles wrestles with making the Gospel relevant to well-educated white suburbanites. Each chapter begins with an exegetical study and sermon by one author. Then, the other preacher responds from his own context, offering a different view of the text.
Author Information

Brian K. Blount, Gary W. Charles

Brian K. Blount is President and Professor of New Testament at Union Theological Seminary and Presbyterian School of Secondary Education in Richmond, Virginia. He is the coauthor of Preaching Mark in Two Voices and Making Room at the Table and the author of Can I Get a Witness?, all available from WJK. Gary W. Charles is Pastor of Central Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, Georgia.

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