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Touchdown Jesus

The Mixing of Sacred and Secular in American History


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ISBN-13: 9780664223700
Number of Pages: 206
Published: 31/07/2003
Product description
This book is an intriguing narrative of the interplay between American religion and patterns of American culture in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. R. Laurence Moore considers the ways nationalism, the separation of church and state, democratic pluralism, and shifts in boundaries between secular and sacred practice have shaped American religion for the past two hundred years.
Author Information

R. Laurence Moore

R. Laurence Moore is Howard A. Newman Professor of American Studies at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.

Product Reviews

"R. Laurence Moore's witty and wide ranging Touchdown Jesus portrays religion's often unexpected power in modern America.... Touchdown Jesus vividly explores the popularization of religion in America--sometimes tawdry, frequently uplifting, seldom uninteresting--that has made the United States all but unique among western democracies in its persistent religious vitality."

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