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Predicament of Postmodern Theology

Radical Orthodoxy or Nihilist Textualism?


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ISBN-13: 9780664223663
Number of Pages: 212
Published: 01/11/2001
Product description
Gavin Hyman explores in depth two antithetical schools of postmodern theology--the "radical orthodoxy" of John Milbank and the "nihilist textualism" of Don Cupitt. Hyman critiques Milbank's influential project from a postmodern perspective, and then points out the major difficulties with Cupitt's approach. Finally, he explores the work of Mark C. Taylor and Michael de Certeau to articulate a "third way" that leads beyond the responses of both Cupitt and Milbank.
Author Information

Gavin Hyman

Gavin Hyman is Lecturer in Religious Studies at the University of Lancaster in England. He has written numerous scholarly articles in journals such as Theology, New Blackfriars, The Heythrop Journal, and Literature and Theology.

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