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I Happened upon a Miracle

Voices from the Gospels


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ISBN-13: 9780664223410
Number of Pages: 144
Published: 01/03/2001
Product description
C. David McKirachan offers eighteen first-person narratives told in the voices of characters from the life of Jesus, ranging from the Christmas story through the crucifixion and resurrection. In each story we are invited into the Gospel text. We inhabit the stories, and through the voice of each teller, we are drawn closer to the wonder experienced by the first witnesses of Jesus.
Author Information

C. David McKirachan

C. David McKirachan is Pastor of The Presbyterian Church at Shrewsbury in New Jersey, and teaches Communications at Monmouth University. He is the author of I Happened Upon a Miracle: Voices from the Gospels and Year of Wonder: Glimpses of God in Everyday Life, both published by WJK.

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