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Narrative Dynamics in Paul

A Critical Assessment


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ISBN-13: 9780664222772
Number of Pages: 240
Published: 30/10/2002
Product description
Are Paul's letters undergirded and informed by key narratives, and does a heightened awareness of those narratives help us to gain a richer and more rounded understanding of Paul's theology? The last two decades of the twentieth century witnessed an increasing interest in the narrative features of Paul's thought. A variety of studies since that period have advanced "story" as an integral and generative ingredient in Paul's theological formulations. In this book, a team of leading Pauline scholars assesses the strengths and weaknesses of a narrative approach, looking in detail at its application to particular Pauline texts.
Author Information

Bruce W. Longenecker

Bruce W. Longenecker is Professor of Religion and W. W. Melton Chair of the Religion Department at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. He is a member of the Editorial Board for the Journal for the Study of the New Testament.

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