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Jesus in Johannine Tradition

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ISBN-13: 9780664222192
Number of Pages: 381
Published: 01/09/2001
Product description
Twenty-seven authors from a variety of backgrounds contribute essays concerning the distance, historically and theologically, between the historical Jesus and the Gospel of John to this collection. Part One discusses issues related to the historical and ideological context in which the Fourth Gospel was produced. Part Two explores the possibility of oral and written sources that John may have utilized. Part Three compares the Fourth Gospel with early noncanonical literature to identify various ways in which Jesus' traditions were appropriated by early Christians.
Author Information

Robert T. Fortna, Tom Thatcher

Robert T. Fortna is Weyerhaeuser Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York, where he taught for thirty years. Tom Thatcher is Professor of New Testament at Cincinnati Christian University in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he has taught for many years.

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