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Christian Perspectives on Politics, Revised and Expanded


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ISBN-13: 9780664222017
Number of Pages: 388
Published: 01/03/2000
Product description
In this revised and expanded edition of Christian Perspectives on Politics, J. Philip Wogaman updates his comprehensive discussions on the interaction of Christian ethics and American politics. Wogaman clearly and fairly analyzes the long-standing debate about Christianity and politics and then constructs his own approach, all the while addressing the perennial political issues that continue to be of importance today.
Author Information

J. Philip Wogaman

J. Philip Wogaman is former Senior Minister at Foundry United Methodist Church in Washington, D.C. and former Professor of Christian Ethics at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C. Wogaman is a past president of the Society of Christian Ethics of the United States and Canada and the author of several books on Christian ethics.

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