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Christ in Christian Tradition, Volume Two

Part One


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ISBN-13: 9780664221607
Number of Pages: 364
Published: 01/01/1987
Product description
A monumental work in scope and content, Aloys Grillmeier's Chirst in the Christian Tradition offers students and scholars a comprehensive exposition of Western writing on the history of doctrine. Volume Two, Part One, covers the development of Christology from the Council of Chalcedon to the beginning of the rule of Emperor Justinian I.
Author Information

Aloys Grillmeier

Aloys Grillmeier, S.J. was Professor of Dogmatics at St. Georgen Theological Seminary in Frankfurt am Main, Germany from 1950-78. He was an expert theologian at the Second Vatican Council from 1962-65 and was named a cardinal-deacon of the Catholic Church in 1994.

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