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Displaying all books by the author William P Brown

Obadiah through Malachi
Taken together, the nine prophets found in the books Obadiah through Malachi lived during a tumultuous two hundred years of Israelite history. Their...
Paperback / softback
Ten Commandments

Ten Commandments

The Reciprocity of Faithfulness

Offering a host of classic and new essays surveying the scholarly ethical and biblical debate surrounding the Ten Commandments, William Brown...
Paperback / softback
Seeing the Psalms

Seeing the Psalms

A Theology of Metaphor

William Brown introduces a new method of exegesis, particularly for biblical poetry, that attends to the metaphorical contours of the Psalms. His...
Paperback / softback
Engaging Biblical Authority

Engaging Biblical Authority

Perspectives on the Bible as Scripture

Is the Bible infallible as some churches claim? Is it a historical document or a piece of literature, as scholars suggest? This helpful new book...
Paperback / softback



Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and...
Paperback / softback
Handbook to Old Testament Exegesis
Designed for both Hebrew and non-Hebrew students, A Handbook to Old Testament Exegesis offers a fresh, hands-on introduction to exegesis of the Old...