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Displaying all books by the author William Barclay

William Barclay

1907 - 1978

William Barclay once said that his life's aim was to help new generations "to know better their Bible, their God and their Saviour".

The words and works of this great communicator of the Gospel inspire and sustain the Christian faith of thousands all over the world.

Born in Wick, Barclay studied at the University of Glasgow before becoming a Church of Scotland minister in 1933. He returned to the university as a lecturer in New Testament language and literature in 1947 and was appointed Professor of Divinity and Biblical Criticism in 1963.

12 Next
Acts of the Apostles, Revised Edition
"What Acts aims to do," writes Barclay, "is to give us a series of typical exploits and adventures of the great heroic figures of the early ...
Author: William Barclay
Paperback / softback
Gospel of Matthew, Volume Two, Revised Edition
Ever question what may have been meant by the statement, "You are Peter and on this rock..."? Are you puzzled by the cursing of the fig tree by...
Author: William Barclay
Paperback / softback
New Testament Words
Greek is one of the richest of all languages, with an unrivaled power to express different shades of meaning. In this book, William Barclay examines...
Author: William Barclay
Paperback / softback
Growing in Christian Faith

Growing in Christian Faith

A Book of Daily Readings

This volume is a collection of meditations fostering Christian discipleship drawn from The Daily Study Bible. The meditations focus on God's love for...
Author: William Barclay
Paperback / softback
At the Last Trumpet

At the Last Trumpet

Jesus Christ and the End of Time

In this book, William Barclay addresses the end time passages from the New Testament to help inquirers better understand and appreciate their place...
Author: William Barclay
Paperback / softback
Ten Commandments
William Barclay saw the Ten Commandments as the universal foundation of all things: the basic laws on human conduct in society and the cornerstone of...
Author: William Barclay
Paperback / softback
Gospel of John, Volume Two, Revised Edition
"The more we study John, the more wealth arises out of it," so says William Barclay about the Fourth Gospel. In this volume, Dr. Barclay completes...
Author: William Barclay
Paperback / softback
Letter to the Hebrews, Revised Edition
At first glance, the letter to the Hebrews can seem difficult to comprehend, requiring readers to be familiar with an intricate system of Hebrew...
Author: William Barclay
Paperback / softback
Letters to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon, Revised Edition
Oft-neglected New Testament texts, the letters to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon actually deal with topics that should be of great interest to...
Author: William Barclay
Paperback / softback
Gospel of John, Volume One
"The Gospel according to Saint John is to many people the most precious book in the Bible," states William Barclay in this first of two volumes on...
Author: William Barclay
Paperback / softback
We Have Seen the Lord!

We Have Seen the Lord!

The Passion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ

In this remarkable volume, William Barclay draws on the wisdom of the Gospels to trace the last days of Jesus' earthly ministry, from his entrance...
Author: William Barclay
Paperback / softback
Parables of Jesus
William Barclay brings to these "best-known stories in the world" new force and significance for the modern reader. Each chapter analyzes an...
Author: William Barclay
Paperback / softback
"If there is one statement of the Christian Church, it is contained in the Apostles' Creed," writes William Barclay. Professor Barclay reminds us,...
Author: William Barclay
Paperback / softback
Discovering Jesus
In straightforward language, William Barclay takes us through the key events in the life of Jesus. Using maps, charts, tables, and lists, Barclay...
Author: William Barclay
Paperback / softback
Barclay Prayer Book
Some of William Barclay's most beloved prayers and meditations, originally appearing in his Prayers for the Christian Year and Epilogues and Prayers,...
Author: William Barclay
Paperback / softback
Letter to the Hebrews
At first glance, the letter to the Hebrews can seem difficult to comprehend, but William Barclay believed "that no New Testament book gives us such a...
Author: William Barclay
Letters to the Galatians and Ephesians
Paul wrote the letter to the Galatians to refute a belief that restricted God's grace alone to those who followed Jewish ritualistic law. In the...
Author: William Barclay
Letters to the Corinthians
Corinth was not only one of the most flourishing commercial centers of the ancient world, but also a symbol of vile debauchery. "In this hotbed of...
Author: William Barclay
Letters of James and Peter
Though located in the back part of the New Testament canon, these letters are nonetheless vitally important. As with all of his writings, William...
Author: William Barclay
Great Themes of the New Testament
Originally published as a series of essays in The Expository Times (a journal for preachers), William Barclay illuminates six key passages from the...
Author: William Barclay
Paperback / softback
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