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Displaying all books by the author Walter Brueggemann

Walter Brueggemann

Walter Brueggemann is William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament Emeritus at Columbia Theological Seminary.
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Journey to the Common Good
Respected author and theologian Walter Brueggemann turns his discerning eye to the most critical yet basic needs of a world adapting to a new era, an...
In his clear and readable, style Walter Brueggemann presents Genesis as a single book set within the context of the whole of biblical revelation. He...
Reverberations of Faith

Reverberations of Faith

A Theological Handbook of Old Testament Themes

With his typical interpretive coherence, Walter Brueggemann explores more than one hundred Old Testament themes--from "ancestors" to "YHWH."...
Paperback / softback
Mandate to Difference

Mandate to Difference

An Invitation to the Contemporary Church

In Mandate to Difference, renowned theologian Walter Brueggemann sets forth a new vision of the Christian church in today's world. Based on speaking...
Using God

Using God's Resources Wisely

Isaiah and Urban Possibility

New and different readings of biblical texts are one consequence of a growing awareness of the environmental crisis and how it relates to social...
Paperback / softback
Hope for the World

Hope for the World

Mission in a Global Context

Hope for the World represents a new resolve and commitment to the global context for the ministry of the church. Missions, evangelism, and...
Paperback / softback
Abiding Astonishment

Abiding Astonishment

Psalms, Modernity, and the Making of History

Focusing on Psalms 78, 105, 106, and 136, Walter Brueggemann considers these psalms on their own terms and then takes up two issues that move in...
Paperback / softback
Power, Providence, and Personality

Power, Providence, and Personality

Biblical Insight into Life and Ministry

Prominent biblical scholar and author Walter Brueggemann studies three passages from the books of Samuel, using the methods of literary criticism and...
Paperback / softback
Cadences of Home

Cadences of Home

Preaching Among Exiles

Many of today's churchgoers wander in a world that was once structured and reliable, but now feels meaningless and incoherent. In this book, Walter...
Paperback / softback
Hope within History
Within a culture that is presently shaped by values of hopelessness, Walter Brueggemann looks at the biblical text and finds the resources for a hope...
Paperback / softback
Isaiah 40-66
In this volume, Walter Brueggemann focuses on Second Isaiah (Isaiah 40-55), believed to be written by a second exilic poet, and Third Isaiah (Isaiah...
Paperback / softback
Great Prayers of the Old Testament
A number of moving prayers can be found in the Old Testament and throughout Scripture. In this accessible volume, world-renowned scholar Walter...
Paperback / softback
Isaiah 1-39
In this volume, Walter Brueggemann writes on Isaiah 1-39, which many scholars believe had a single author, Isaiah, of the eighth century BCE, who...
Paperback / softback
Collected Sermons of Walter Brueggemann, Vol 1
In addition to being one of the world's leading interpreters of the Old Testament, Walter Brueggemann is a skilled and beloved preacher. This...
First and Second Samuel

First and Second Samuel

Interpretation: A Bible for Commentary for Teaching and Preaching

With critical scholarship and theological sensitivity, Walter Brueggemann traces the people of God through the books of Samuel as they shift from...
Truth Speaks to Power

Truth Speaks to Power

The Countercultural Nature of Scripture

World-renowned biblical interpreter Walter Brueggemann invites readers to take a closer look at the subversive messages found within the Old...
Paperback / softback
Collected Sermons of Walter Brueggemann, Vol 2
This collection presents over fifty powerful sermons from one of the most trusted preachers today, Walter Brueggemann. In it, Brueggemann continues...


Reading the Bible Amid the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

aEUROoeThe conflict is only aEURO~seemingly' beyond solution, because all historical-political problems have solutions, if there is...
Paperback / softback
Names for the Messiah

Names for the Messiah

An Advent Study

In Isaiah 9:6, a divine utterance is given to us using four royal titles-Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace....
Way Other Than Our Own

Way Other Than Our Own

Devotions for Lent

Lent recalls times of wilderness and wandering, from newly freed Hebrew slaves in exile to Jesus' temptation in the desert. God has always called...
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