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Displaying all books by the author Stanley J Grenz

Welcoming but Not Affirming

Welcoming but Not Affirming

An Evangelical Response to Homosexuality

In this carefully reasoned and thoroughly researched analysis, Stanley Grenz asks: are same-sex relationships a viable, God-given way of giving...
Paperback / softback
Sexual Ethics

Sexual Ethics

An Evangelical Perspective

In this biblically grounded study, Stanley Grenz synthesizes theology, ethics, and current medical research to offer an evangelical perspective on...
Paperback / softback
Social God and Relational Self

Social God and Relational Self

A Trinitarian Theology of the Imago Dei

The first of a six-volume contribution to systematic theology, this text extends the insights of contemporary Trinitarian thought to theological...
Social God and the Relational Self

Social God and the Relational Self

A Trinitarian Theology of the Imago Dei

In this volume, Stanley Grenz creatively extends the insights of contemporary Trinitarian thought to theological anthropology. The Social God and the...
Paperback / softback
Named God and the Question of Being

Named God and the Question of Being

A Trinitarian Theo-Ontology

In this book, Stanley Grenz examines the long-standing trajectory of thought that has equated the concept of "being" with the God of the Bible--and...
Paperback / softback
What Christians Really Believe & Why
People today are searching for something to believe in. How can they choose between conflicting belief systems and find answers to their questions?...
Paperback / softback
Beyond Foundationalism

Beyond Foundationalism

Shaping Theology in a Postmodern Context

The authors move past the Enlightenment foundational approach to offer a revolutionary methodology for doing theology in a postmodern age. Their...
Paperback / softback
Beyond Foundationalism

Beyond Foundationalism

Shaping Theology in a Postmodern Context

What role does scripture play in the task of the church? What value do past theological constructs offer today? How does culture affect theological...