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Displaying all books by the author Louis B Weeks

To Be a Presbyterian, Revised Edition
In this lay-friendly introduction to what it means to be a Presbyterian, Louis B. Weeks explains the life, history, tradition, and beliefs of the...
Author: Louis B. Weeks
Paperback / softback
To be a Presbyterian
A Sustainable Presbyterian Future

A Sustainable Presbyterian Future

What's Working and Why

In this study of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Louis Weeks examines the present state of the denomination and how congregations can grow in...
Author: Louis B. Weeks
Re-Forming Tradition

Re-Forming Tradition

Presbyterians and Mainstream Protestantism

This book challenges American Presbyterians to remember their calling as Christians. The author believes that Presbyterians are summoned to a...
Paperback / softback
Pluralistic Vision

Pluralistic Vision

Presbyterians and Mainstream Protestant Education and Leadership

Essays in this valuable book examine the results of research on theological education in the twentieth century, spiritual formation among...
Paperback / softback
Study Guide for the Re-Forming Tradition

Study Guide for the Re-Forming Tradition

Presbyterians and Mainstream Protestantism

This practical resource will assist individuals and adult groups in church school classes, sessions, and retreats by clarifying some of the major...
Paperback / softback
Organizational Revolution

Organizational Revolution

Presbyterians and American Denominationalism

This book addresses the organizational character of American religious history and points to a tentative but significant conclusion: The Presbyterian...
Paperback / softback
Presbyterian Predicament

Presbyterian Predicament

Six Perspectives

In this volume, six prominent writers from different disciplines strive to analyze the Presbyterian predicament and to offer solutions. The authors...
Paperback / softback