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Displaying all books by the author Leo G Perdue

Wisdom Literature

Wisdom Literature

A Theological History

The Old Testament's wisdom literature offers one of the most intriguing collections of biblical books (Proverbs, Job, the Psalms about Torah and...
Author: Leo G. Perdue
Paperback / softback


Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching

The book of Proverbs is a collection of sayings, poems, and "life's little instructions." Wrestling with the values of things such as creation,...
Author: Leo G. Perdue
In Search of Wisdom

In Search of Wisdom

Essays in Memory of John G. Gammie

This much-needed volume provides a comprehensive study of wisdom in the Hebrew Bible, in selected intertestamental and Rabbinic texts, and in the New...
Paperback / softback
Families in Ancient Israel
Four respected scholars of the Hebrew Bible and early Judaism provide a clear portrait of the family in ancient Israel. Important theological and...
Paperback / softback