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Displaying all books by the author James Luther Mays

Preaching and Teaching the Psalms
Renowned and beloved Psalms scholar James Luther Mays shares in this book some of his most influential ideas about the Psalms and shows the reader...
Paperback / softback
Amos (OTL)

Amos (OTL)

A Commentary

The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general...
This much-needed commentary provides an authoritative guide to a better understanding of the often-neglected book of Micah. If gives insight into the...
Lord Reigns

Lord Reigns

A Theological Handbook to the Psalms

James Mays convincingly argues that the declaration "The Lord reigns" is not only a statement of faith but a statement of a particular worldview:...
Paperback / softback
Hosea (1969)

Hosea (1969)

A Commentary

Hosea, along with Amos, opens the period of the "Writing Prophets." He is the only man called to the office of prophet who both lived and...
Psalms (Interpretation)

Psalms (Interpretation)


Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and...
Interpretation, Old Testament Series Set
This set contains all twenty-six Old Testament commentaries from the acclaimed Interpretation series.Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching...
Interpretation, New Testament Series Set
This set of contains all seventeen New Testament commentaries from the acclaimed Interpretation series.Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for...
Interpretation, Complete Series Set
This set contians all forty-three volumes in the Interpretation series.Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive...