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Displaying all books by the author Ellen F Davis

Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs
These books of the Bible, despite their differences, all treat the phenomenon of what it means to live wisely before God. In this readable...
Author: Ellen F. Davis
Paperback / softback
Wondrous Depth

Wondrous Depth

Preaching the Old Testament

Ellen Davis is concerned by what she calls a "shallow reading" of Scripture--a reading of what we think we already know instead of an attempt to dig...
Author: Ellen F. Davis
Paperback / softback
Biblical Prophecy

Biblical Prophecy

Perspectives for Christian Theology, Discipleship, and Ministry

In this fresh and expansive work, Ellen Davis offers a comprehensive interpretation of the prophetic role and word in the Christian scriptures. Davis...
Author: Ellen F. Davis
Paperback / softback
Who are You, My Daughter?

Who are You, My Daughter?

Reading Ruth Through Image and Text

In this annotated and illustrated translation of the book of Ruth, Ellen Davis and Margaret Adams Parker demonstrate how translation and art can be...