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Displaying all books by the author Donald L Griggs

Bible from Scratch

Bible from Scratch

The New Testament for Beginners

Well-known educator Don Griggs has written an accessible, easy-to-understand overview of the Bible for adults who have--or fear they have--little or...
Paperback / softback
Bible from Scratch

Bible from Scratch

The Old Testament for Beginners

Well-known educator Don Griggs has written an accessible, easy-to-understand overview of the Bible for adults who have--or fear they have--little or...
Paperback / softback
Genesis from Scratch

Genesis from Scratch

The Old Testament for Beginners

Replete with some of the most familiar and beloved stories from the Bible (Adam and Eve, Noah and the Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, and Abraham and...
Paperback / softback

Mark's Gospel from Scratch

The New Testament for Beginners

This useful and accessible guide provides an introduction the Gospel of Mark. It is perfect for readers who are new to the Gospel as well as those...
Paperback / softback

Matthew's Gospel from Scratch

The New Testament for Beginners

From Matthew's matter-of-fact genealogy demonstrating Jesus' status as a descendant of King David, through the soaring words of the Sermon on the...
Paperback / softback

Luke's Gospel from Scratch

The New Testament for Beginners

Building on the foundation of the popular volumes The Bible from Scratch: The Old Testament for Beginners and The New Testament for Beginners, Griggs...
Paperback / softback
Exodus from Scratch

Exodus from Scratch

The Old Testament for Beginners

This new volume in the best-selling Bible from Scratch series pairs noted author Donald Griggs with biblical scholar and teacher Eugene March....
Paperback / softback
Acts from Scratch

Acts from Scratch

The New Testament for Beginners

Building on the foundation of the popular volumes The Bible from Scratch: The Old Testament for Beginners and The New Testament for...
Paperback / softback