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Displaying all books by the author Bruce C Birch

Hosea, Joel, and Amos
Often called "minor prophets," these first great classical prophets spoke to issues that dominated their times--love, redemption, fidelity, renewal,...
Author: Bruce C. Birch
Paperback / softback
Let Justice Roll Down

Let Justice Roll Down

The Old Testament, Ethics, and Christian Life

Connecting the Old Testament with the modern church, this book relates the testimonies and stories of Israel's faith in the Hebrew canon to the...
Author: Bruce C. Birch
Paperback / softback
What Does the Lord Require?

What Does the Lord Require?

The Old Testament Call to Social Witness

"Christian social concern requires not only that we ask what we should do in a broken world but also that we ask who we are to be." Bruce C. Birch...
Author: Bruce C. Birch
Paperback / softback
Discipleship Study Bible

Discipleship Study Bible

New Revised Standard Version including Apocrypha

Other NRSV study Bibles provide factual information about the biblical text, but don't include extensive guidance for Christian living. The...